Loyalty and customer experience platform for Horta

Horta, the leading specialist in garden and pet supplies, offers an extensive range for animal lovers and gardeners. To strengthen their relation with their loyal customer base, Horta wanted to implement a loyalty programme. As a reliable partner, our competence centre Us made itself available to support Horta.
Horta wanted to set up a loyalty programme where customers could enjoy benefits through a loyalty card. Given the many offline purchases made by customers at Horta, the question arose as to how these purchases could be included in the loyalty programme. It became clear that a simple loyalty card was not enough and a more extensive approach was needed.
Horta decided to go a step further and implemented a comprehensive Customer Experience Platform. This platform includes not only a loyalty programme, but also other essential components such as marketing automation, personalisation and a Customer Data Platform (CDP). This integrated approach allows Horta to effectively incorporate customers’ offline purchases into the loyalty programme while providing a personalised experience.

What is a Customer Experience Platform?

A Customer Experience Platform is an integrated system that supports companies in providing a consistent, personalised and engaging experience to their customers throughout the customer journey. It constitutes a strategic approach that brings together various technologies, processes and channels to optimise and enrich customer interactions.


The main goal of a Customer Experience Platform is to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, improve customer retention and encourage positive word-of-mouth. By investing in an effective Customer Experience Platform, companies can gain a competitive advantage and develop valuable long-term relationships with their customers.

Steps to succes

The journey began by researching existing technologies and identifying seamless integration opportunities. Working with Horta, we drafted an RFP (Request For Proposal) to address all possible questions related to loyalty, marketing automation and customer data platforms.

We also prepared a C-level RFP, including an integration matrix, to ensure that a specific tool can integrate with Horta’s web shop platform. Our goal is to achieve optimal integration with minimal links.

With this approach, we strive for an integrated solution that meets Horta’s specific needs. The chosen tool must fit perfectly with their existing technologies and provide the desired functionality in terms of loyalty, marketing automation and customer data platforms.

Implementation and results

We planned steering committees (steer-co’s) to review procedures, shortlisted tools, planned demos and used a scoring template to select the right tool. In this way, we ensured that all possible scenarios were covered and no unexpected obstacles arose.

The Customer Experience Platform allows Horta to collect and analyse valuable customer data, giving them deep insight into their customers’ buying behaviour, preferences and needs. This enables them to develop targeted marketing campaigns, create special offers and send personalised communications. Through this bold approach, Horta has laid a solid foundation for an effective and integrated system that not only increases customer loyalty and improves customer satisfaction, but also ultimately strengthens its competitive advantage.


To further engage their loyal customer base, Horta wanted to implement a loyalty programme.

Our Solution

Us helped Horta set up a comprehensive Customer Experience Platform. Using this integrated platform, Horta can incorporate both online and offline customer purchases into the loyalty programme while providing a personalised experience.


  • Sales Manago


The Customer Experience Platform allows Horta to collect and analyse valuable customer data. That information can help them create marketing campaigns, make special offers and send personalised communication. Horta’s innovative approach laid the foundation for an efficient and integrated system that increases customer loyalty and satisfaction and, ultimately, competitive advantage.