Client in the spotlight: interview with JBC CEO Bart Claes

A like minded approach, shared values and a drive to grow are common ground that JBC and Xplore Group have shared for many years. We are proud of our close collaboration with JBC and spoke with CEO Bart Claes about sustainable business development, his view of the future and the impact of the Corona virus on consumer behavior. We showcase these topical themes in a 3-episode interview.

Prevent downtime by focusing on testing

To ensure the usability of your application, it needs to be continuously tested. This cannot be sustained manually, unless you are okay with your IT department having more testers than developers.

Worry-free IT-management through Managed Services

Today, digital commerce has often become a strategic part of a business. As a result, the complexity of these implementations has increased dramatically.

Hubo Belgium puts speed and user experience first in 2021

2020: the year of Covid-19, and also the year in which we all started doing chores more often than ever. A phenomenon that Marc Henkens fully confirms.

From an understanding to a tangible product in 5 days

As a digital native, you probably recognize the following challenge: infinite possibilities to test concepts but limitations in time and budget.

A data-driven marketing approach

Personalised approaches push your conversion ratios sky-high. Although many companies are willing to adopt this approach, they don’t know where to start.

Study proves the undeniable importance of good project management

Two people looking at printed plans stuck on a wall, project management and discussions.

The Project-management landscape in Belgium – Anno 2020 and the coming decade.

Customer journey mapping

This is a given. However, getting to know your customer well is definitely challenging. It is a fact that mapping the end-to-end customer journey is a perfect way to help you build these insights.

Progressive Web App

A PWA is a website with all the best features of native mobile apps, which makes it behave like a mobile app. A PWA utilises the full screen of your device and works on any browser, regardless of personal preference.

Immersive technology

Retailers need to leverage immersive technologies to solve the retailpocalypse.