Innovation starts with prototyping & ideation

In the world of product development and design, prototyping and ideation are two crucial steps in the creative process. Do you have a rough idea, but do not know how to get started or how to give it concrete form? Our Xplorers will be happy to come and inspire and brainstorm with you.

“From vision to reality”


Ideation is the creative process of generating and developing new ideas. It is an essential stage in the design process, where a wide range of possible solutions are identified and explored. Ideation can take many forms, such as brainstorming, sketching, mind mapping and more. The goal is to generate as many ideas as possible, without judgement or criticism.


Prototyping is the process of creating an early version of a product to test the concept and gather feedback. The purpose of prototyping is to materialise and test ideas quickly to reduce risk and create better products. A term sometimes also used is building a PoC or Proof-of-Concept.

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Could you use help with your ideation & prototyping?
Let’s talk!