The future of trading: the possibilities of blockchain and tokenisation

From smartphones to smart devices to virtual reality, we are surrounded by innovations that make our lives increasingly efficient and convenient. For example, did you know that you can now also own real estate or a work of art digitally? This is possible thanks to the latest development in the world of commerce: tokenisation.

Digitalising in the Food Industry

The food industry is one of the most important and largest industries we know. To keep meeting customer demands and expectations, digitalisation is essential. In addition, the right digital solutions can also contribute to impeccable quality, better traceability and sustainable production.

From an understanding to a tangible product in 5 days

As a digital native, you probably recognize the following challenge: infinite possibilities to test concepts but limitations in time and budget.

Immersive technology

Retailers need to leverage immersive technologies to solve the retailpocalypse.

A story about connected cows

InfoFarm was hosted by farmer Luc and his wife Marina from the Sint-Jozefhoeve for a teambuilding. Next to running a full dairy farm they still find the time to organize teambuilding activities, give educations to schools and facilitate team coaching and talent development sessions.