TikTok: The new asset in your marketing strategy

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of digital marketing, it is essential to constantly be on the lookout for new channels and platforms to promote your brand. One emerging platform that has caught the attention of marketers worldwide is TikTok. In this blog post, we will discuss how to implement TikTok in your marketing strategy and make the most of this platform.

How Service design and UX design go hand in hand

You’ve probably heard some of the following words thrown around: customer journey maps, persona’s, prototyping, design springs, user research, … All very valuable aspects when it comes to digital design and growing your business. However, probably also very confusing when you aren’t familiar with them.

Am I still compliant with GDPR if I continue to use Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is under fire. The collected data is transferred to America, where the servers are hosted. Different privacy rules apply there than in Europe, and in this way personal data is shared with American companies without the users being aware of it.

What is a good timing to upgrade your Content Management System?

Young serious man in casualwear sitting in front of computer by desk and looking through websites in working environment

As your business grows, your interaction with your target audience changes as they have higher and different expectations. That’s probably the moment where you realize that your business and marketing goals are no longer fully aligned with your current Content Management System.

Hubo Belgium puts speed and user experience first in 2021

2020: the year of Covid-19, and also the year in which we all started doing chores more often than ever. A phenomenon that Marc Henkens fully confirms.

A data-driven marketing approach

Personalised approaches push your conversion ratios sky-high. Although many companies are willing to adopt this approach, they don’t know where to start.

Customer journey mapping

This is a given. However, getting to know your customer well is definitely challenging. It is a fact that mapping the end-to-end customer journey is a perfect way to help you build these insights.