App Security: your digital bodyguard for a safe and worry-free app experience

In our modern day world, applications have become irreplaceable. We use them to shop, organize our finances and communicate with each other. Unfortunately, they also come with several risks. However, fortunately, we can count on app developers to use their expertise to minimize and even prevent these risks using smart techniques such as, for example, two-factor authentication, sophisticated identification processes and end-to-end encryption.

Common misconceptions about cloud technology: 5 myths debunked

Cloud technologies offer endless possibilities and a lot of advantages. A growing number of companies are embracing the transition, yet there are still many misconceptions that stop companies from switching to the Cloud. Unjustified, in our opinion. In this blog, we debunk five of the most common myths about cloud technology. Myth 1 – The… Continue reading Common misconceptions about cloud technology: 5 myths debunked

Prevent downtime by focusing on testing

To ensure the usability of your application, it needs to be continuously tested. This cannot be sustained manually, unless you are okay with your IT department having more testers than developers.

Worry-free IT-management through Managed Services

Today, digital commerce has often become a strategic part of a business. As a result, the complexity of these implementations has increased dramatically.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

During the past years, Xplore Group has proven to be a group of highly skilled and innovative engineers. As AWS Advanced Partner, we have also proven our skills in Cloud Computing.