
It’s all about the UX of a website

Preparing the development of a new website is an intense and demanding process. Xplore Group paved the way for Sibelga’s new website, from the first customer journey analysis to wireframes.

Making optimal use of MDM, that’s how you do it

With the help of Xplore Group, Fabory dramatically improved the performance and usability of its MDM implementation.
Pizza Hut

Conversion and customer relationship optimization go hand-in-hand

Pizza Hut Belgium is strongly committed to online customer experience. Xplore Group redesigned the pizza restaurant’s website, enabling it to better handle peak demand. The website was also expanded functionally.

Bring all your customers closer together and go full Omnichannel

Xplore Group built an omnichannel environment for JBC, based on Salesforce Commerce Cloud. The solutions support the digital interaction between JBC and its customers, both online and in-store.

To PIM or not to PIM: of course! Choose a shorter time-to-market

A cool marketing app puts the spotlight even more on an already great marketing campaign. That’s exactly what Xplore Group was after with its original disposable camera app for communication agency TheseDays Y&R and Belgian Internet provider Telenet.

Making near-real-time publishing a reality

Xplore Group successfully designed a data syndication platform for Philips. The solution provides near-real-time publishing of product-related content to a multitude of output channels, reducing the throughput time from 12 hours to a couple of minutes.
Client Fabory

Making optimal use of MDM, that’s how you do it

With the help of Xplore Group, Fabory dramatically improved the performance and usability of its MDM implementation.
Client Pizza Hut

Conversion and customer relationship optimization go hand-in-hand

Pizza Hut Belgium is strongly committed to online customer experience. Xplore Group redesigned the pizza restaurant’s website, enabling it to better handle peak demand. The website was also expanded functionally.
Client JBC

Bring all your customers closer together and go full Omnichannel

Xplore Group built an omnichannel environment for JBC, based on Salesforce Commerce Cloud. The solutions support the digital interaction between JBC and its customers, both online and in-store.
Client Alpheios

To PIM or not to PIM: of course! Choose a shorter time-to-market

A cool marketing app puts the spotlight even more on an already great marketing campaign. That’s exactly what Xplore Group was after with its original disposable camera app for communication agency TheseDays Y&R and Belgian Internet provider Telenet.
Client Philips

Making near-real-time publishing a reality

Xplore Group successfully designed a data syndication platform for Philips. The solution provides near-real-time publishing of product-related content to a multitude of output channels, reducing the throughput time from 12 hours to a couple of minutes.
Client Argenta

Choose for digitalisation with mobile apps

Banking and insurance group Argenta is fully committed to digitization. Xplore Group realized a complete makeover of the Argenta Bankieren mobile app.