Searching for work becomes child’s play

Specific training can greatly increase someone’s chances of finding a job. At VDAB, a big data application set up by Xplore Group predicts what chances you have of finding a job and how long it will take. This insight allows for more personalized guidance.
Kind en Gezin

Better Quality childcare through a big data solution

With a big data solution set up by Xplore Group, Kind en Gezin (Child and Family) has a better view on the quality of childcare in Flanders. The application points out – in an objective way – where extra attention is necessary.
Daily Fresh Food

Optimization PIM system ensures optimal functionality of the website

Getting the best possible results from a PIM implementation, that’s what Daily Fresh Food learned from Xplore Group’s specialists.

Xplore Group strengthens VAR’s digital presence with new website and CMS

Var strengthens the digital channel. Xplore Group supports Var’s strategic objectives with a new website, based on a high-performance CMS.
Freight Tracking System

Say goodbye to delays thanks to an optimised just-in-time process

Just-in-time is a well-known basic principle in car manufacturing. But what if production parts are stuck in traffic or a supplier can’t produce the requested parts in time? Xplore Group’s Freight Tracking System provides a global overview, enabling suppliers to take the right actions at the right time, long before their customer’s production line comes to a grinding halt.

Xplore Group combines webshop with e-fulfillment for Campingaz

Xplore Group didn’t just develop a webshop for Campingaz. It also handles the storage and shipping of the offered product. This way, Xplore Group provides Campingaz with a unique all-in-one solution.
Client Kind en Gezin

Better Quality childcare through a big data solution

With a big data solution set up by Xplore Group, Kind en Gezin (Child and Family) has a better view on the quality of childcare in Flanders. The application points out – in an objective way – where extra attention is necessary.
Client Daily Fresh Food

Optimization PIM system ensures optimal functionality of the website

Getting the best possible results from a PIM implementation, that’s what Daily Fresh Food learned from Xplore Group’s specialists.
Client VAR

Xplore Group strengthens VAR’s digital presence with new website and CMS

Var strengthens the digital channel. Xplore Group supports Var’s strategic objectives with a new website, based on a high-performance CMS.
Client Freight Tracking System

Say goodbye to delays thanks to an optimised just-in-time process

Just-in-time is a well-known basic principle in car manufacturing. But what if production parts are stuck in traffic or a supplier can’t produce the requested parts in time? Xplore Group’s Freight Tracking System provides a global overview, enabling suppliers to take the right actions at the right time, long before their customer’s production line comes to a grinding halt.
Client Campingaz

Xplore Group combines webshop with e-fulfillment for Campingaz

Xplore Group didn’t just develop a webshop for Campingaz. It also handles the storage and shipping of the offered product. This way, Xplore Group provides Campingaz with a unique all-in-one solution.
Client Sibelga

It’s all about the UX of a website

Preparing the development of a new website is an intense and demanding process. Xplore Group paved the way for Sibelga’s new website, from the first customer journey analysis to wireframes.