Specific training can greatly increase someone’s chances of finding a job. At VDAB, a big data application set up by Xplore Group predicts what chances you have of finding a job and how long it will take. This insight allows for more personalized guidance.
VDAB is the public employment service of Flanders. The service matches supply and demand on the labor market. VDAB supports jobseekers and guides them in their search for work.
To provide the jobseekers with the best possible support during their customer journey, VDAB is fully committed to technological innovation. Together with Xplore Group, VDAB set up a data lake. The objective: consolidate data, make it available and build new services with it.
A new data application is based on the concept of churn prediction. The analysis of historical data resulted in a list of 400 variables. Based on the jobseeker’s scores on these characteristics, the application predicts the chance of that person finding a job, how long it will take and which recommendations will increase his or her chances and shorten the process. The insight provided by the application allows VDAB to guide jobseekers in a personalized way.
VDAB was looking for a solution to gain insight from the analysis of big data, to improve the guidance and support of jobseekers.Our solution
Xplore Group built a data lake and analyzed the available data. Xplore Group developed an application that predicts how long it takes for someone to find work.Integration
- Hadoop
- Apache Spark
- R
- RStudio
- Python