Streamlined business processes thanks to a Business Process Management tool

Business Process Management (BPM) is a systematic approach to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes. It enables organisations to identify, model, implement, manage, monitor and optimise their processes. As a result, companies operate more effectively and efficiently, adapt more easily to change and continuously improve themselves to stay ahead of the competition.

“Orchestrating efficiency, guiding success”

Key benefits of a BPM

  • Automated and streamlined workflows, resulting in higher productivity
  • Insight into your business processes and possible bottlenecks to improve them
  • Faster anticipation of changes and taking advantage of new opportunities
  • Cost savings through less manual work (and accompanying human errors)

BPM lifecycle

The BPM approach is based on a life cycle consisting of five core phases: Design, Model, Implementation, Monitoring and Optimisation.


  • Design phase: In this phase, business processes are defined and optimised.
  • Model phase: This is where a visual model of the process is created.
  • Execution phase: The process model is implemented and automated.
  • Monitor phase: This phase monitors the performance of the automated process.
  • Optimisation phase: This phase focuses on identifying and implementing improvements for continuous optimisation.

The cyclical approach helps organisations achieve and maintain agile, efficient business processes.


At Xplore Group, we work with Flowable and Camunda as BPM solutions. We will discuss which tool best suits your business and your needs together.

Some of our clients

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Contact us

Would you like to know more about BPM solutions? Our Xplorers would be happy to visit you for an inspiration session.